Page 27 - geninfo2024
P. 27


          Users are not allowed to remove library furniture and equipment from their
          original places.

          Any user, whose behavior may be deemed to be disturbing the peace of the
          Library, may be asked to leave the premises.

          Children who are below 12 years of age are not allowed into the Library.

          Mobile phones must be put on Silent Mode. Talking on mobile phones in the
          Library is not allowed.

          Reservation of seats or computers is strictly forbidden. Items left unattended
          on tables and chairs for more than 20 minutes will be removed to release seats
          for other users. The Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage to
          these removed belongings.

          Violation of Library Rules & Regulations can result in the following
          penalties being imposed on users:
          •  Being asked to leave the Library.
          •  Not being allowed to enter and use the Library facilities for a specified
            period of time.
          •  Having their borrowing eligibility being suspended.
          •  Being referred to the Disciplinary Authorities of Sunway University and
            Sunway College KL.

          Academic staff preparing to go on study or sabbatical leave outside the
          country for a period of more than 3 months are required to return all materials
          borrowed from the Library.

          Students who postpone, withdraw or have completed their courses must
          return all materials borrowed from the Library.

          For library members who fail to clear their fines or return library materials on
          leaving Sunway University and Sunway College KL., the Library reserves the
          right to deduct their fines and cost of materials deemed to be lost, from their
          deposits or salaries.

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